Environmental Policy Statement
Sandford Building Contractors Ltd recognises that its activities have an impact on the environment and is committed to improve its environmental performance and minimise the harmful effects through caring policies and effective management.
The company accepts and acknowledges its obligations and responsibilities under legislation and guidance dealing with environmental issues that effect or arise in consequence of its business.
The company will apply the methodology of its Environmental Management System (EMS) to identify and determine the environmental issues requiring attention and implementation of the measures to achieve continuous improvement. In particular attention will be given to:
- Environmental awareness and understanding of our business amongst those working for or on behalf of the company, providing training as necessary and encouraging sub-contractors and suppliers to adopt sound environmental practices;
- The considerate use of land undergoing development having special regard to archaeology finds and the storage, treatment and disposal of any waste, hazardous or potentially toxic materials to avoid environmental harm;
- The use and re-use of materials to minimise and curtail creating waste and, whenever practicable, using materials and products from sustainable sources;
- Control the emission of pollutants, noise and dust, and the use of potentially harmful substances and treatments during construction activities;
- Conserve energy through sensible selection, use and management of resources, equipment, plant and transport;
- The continued development, monitoring and investigation of systems, practices and procedures at each stage of construction to ensure the environment remains a foremost consideration.
This statement is fully supported by the Managing Director.
General Health and Safety Policy
It is the policy of Sandford Building Contractors Ltd to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees and the health and safety of other persons who may be affected by its activities. The organisation will take steps to ensure that its statutory duties are met at all times.
Organisation’s Responsibilities
The organisation will ensure that:
- all processes and systems of work are designed to take account of health and safety and are properly supervised at all times
- a member of senior management maintains specific responsibility for health and safety
- competent people are appointed to assist us in meeting our statutory duties including, where appropriate, specialists from outside of the organisation
- all employees are consulted on matters relating to health, safety and welfare
- adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to enable employees to raise issues of health and safety
- each employee will be given such information, instruction and training as is necessary to enable the safe performance of work activities
- all arrangements are brought to employees’ attention and are monitored and reviewed to ensure that they are effective.
Employees’ Responsibilities
Employees must ensure that they:
- co-operate with management to enable all statutory duties to be complied with
- take reasonable care of their own health and safety and the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions
- familiarise themselves with the health and safety arrangements that apply to them and their work functions.
Full details of the organisation and arrangements for health and safety will be set out in our full policy document.